22nd October 2024 

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens next?

If you would like to explore working together, please send me an email, or click the link on this website to write me a message.

First, we would have a brief conversation on the phone to establish whether meeting in person for an initial consultation might be helpful for you.

If we decide to meet for a consultation, this meeting tends to last for about an hour. It is an opportunity for you to tell me about yourself and for us to think about what has brought you to consider therapy. It tends to take two consultation sessions to come to a decision about how best to move forwards.

If we decide that working together could be beneficial for you, we would agree upon a set time and day of the week to meet, ranging from once or twice per week to more in-depth work of up to 4 times per week.

If we come to the decision that I am not best placed to help you, I will do my best to make suggestions as to what might be of use to you.

How long does therapy last?

I tend to work with people in an open ended way, and therapy can last from around one year to a number of years.

What does it cost?

Therapy sessions, which last 50 minutes, cost around £80. There can be some reduction in fee for those who are in more intensive work, i.e. having more than two sessions per week. I also have a small number of reduced fee places available for those on a very limited income.

I am registered with the main insurance providers and liaise with them as necessary to secure ongoing treatment. If the insurance cover ends yet somebody wants to continue with their therapy it's possible to continue through self-funding.